Learning to Detect Brain Lesions from Noisy Annotations
Transcriptome-Supervised Classification of Tissue Morphology Using Deep Learning
AF-SEG: An Annotation-Free Approach for Image Segmentation by Self-Supervision and Generative Adversarial Network
Automated Hemorrhage Detection from Coarsely Annotated Fundus Images in Diabetic Retinopathy
Weakly Supervised Lesion Co-Segmentation on CT Scans
Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Ultrasound Video
Soft-Label Guided Semi-Supervised Learning for Bi-Ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac Cine MRI
Localization of Critical Findings in Chest X-Ray without Local Annotations Using Multi-Instance Learning
A CNN Framework Based on Line Annotations for Detecting Nematodes in Microscopic Images
Learning with Less Data Via Weakly Labeled Patch Classification in Digital Pathology
A Spatially Constrained Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Nerve Fiber Segmentation in Corneal Confocal Microscopic Images Using Inaccurate Annotations
Virtual Staining for Mitosis Detection in Breast Histopathology
Towards Large-Scale Data Annotation Of Audio From Wearables: Validating Zooniverse Annotations Of Infant Vocalization Types
Weakly-Supervised Deep Stain Decomposition for Multiplex IHC Images
A Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Scopy Images
MRI to CT Synthesis of the Lumbar Spine from a Pseudo-3D Cycle Gan
EM-Net: Centerline-Aware Mitochondria Segmentation in EM Images Via Hierarchical View-Ensemble Convolutional Network
Hybrid Cascaded Neural Network for Liver Lesion Segmentation
Ising-GAN: Annotated Data Augmentation with a Spatially Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
Restoration of Marker Occluded Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Whole Slide Histology Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
AirwayNet-SE: A Simple-Yet-Effective Approach to Improve Airway Segmentation Using Context Scale Fusion
Self-Supervision vs. Transfer Learning: Robust Biomedical Image Analysis against Adversarial Attacks
Evaluating Multi-Class Segmentation Errors with Anatomical Priors
Discovering Salient Anatomical Landmarks by Predicting Human Gaze
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