Learning to Detect Brain Lesions from Noisy Annotations
AF-SEG: An Annotation-Free Approach for Image Segmentation by Self-Supervision and Generative Adversarial Network
Transcriptome-Supervised Classification of Tissue Morphology Using Deep Learning
Automated Hemorrhage Detection from Coarsely Annotated Fundus Images in Diabetic Retinopathy
Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Ultrasound Video
Soft-Label Guided Semi-Supervised Learning for Bi-Ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac Cine MRI
Weakly Supervised Lesion Co-Segmentation on CT Scans
Localization of Critical Findings in Chest X-Ray without Local Annotations Using Multi-Instance Learning
A CNN Framework Based on Line Annotations for Detecting Nematodes in Microscopic Images
A Spatially Constrained Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Nerve Fiber Segmentation in Corneal Confocal Microscopic Images Using Inaccurate Annotations
Learning with Less Data Via Weakly Labeled Patch Classification in Digital Pathology
Virtual Staining for Mitosis Detection in Breast Histopathology
Towards Large-Scale Data Annotation Of Audio From Wearables: Validating Zooniverse Annotations Of Infant Vocalization Types
Weakly-Supervised Deep Stain Decomposition for Multiplex IHC Images
A Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Scopy Images
EM-Net: Centerline-Aware Mitochondria Segmentation in EM Images Via Hierarchical View-Ensemble Convolutional Network
Hybrid Cascaded Neural Network for Liver Lesion Segmentation
Ising-GAN: Annotated Data Augmentation with a Spatially Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
MRI to CT Synthesis of the Lumbar Spine from a Pseudo-3D Cycle Gan
Restoration of Marker Occluded Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Whole Slide Histology Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks
AirwayNet-SE: A Simple-Yet-Effective Approach to Improve Airway Segmentation Using Context Scale Fusion
Evaluating Multi-Class Segmentation Errors with Anatomical Priors
Discovering Salient Anatomical Landmarks by Predicting Human Gaze
Self-Supervision vs. Transfer Learning: Robust Biomedical Image Analysis against Adversarial Attacks
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