Digital systems


Digital systems are specifically designed to store, process, and communicate digital information. They are found in a wide range of applications, such as process control, communication systems, digital instruments, and consumer products. The smartphone and desktop computer are common examples of digital systems.

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What Are Digital Systems?

Digital systems refer to a collection of components, such as hardware, networks, and software, used to store, process and communicate digital information, typically in the form of binary data. While the vast majority of digital systems are electronic, some are mechanical, magnetic, or pneumatic. An excellent example of a digital system is the desktop computer with the central processing unit, hard disk, monitor, keyboard and mouse. Digital systems operate using binary numbers, 0 and 1. 

Digital hardware comes in many forms, such as system-on-chip (SoC), heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms, or embedded computer-based systems. Digital systems are used in a wide range of applications, from supercomputers that calculate complex weather patterns, to low-power wearable devices such as smartwatches. Any digital system's design must cater to a specific set of needs based on the desired use case, such as performance, power consumption, reliability, and price. 

Properties of Digital Systems

Digital Systems have a number of novel properties. Data is represented using binary numbers. The more bits used to represent the data, the greater the accuracy of the system. Digital systems are generally less error prone than analog systems, and less susceptible to noise and interference. They are usually designed using reusable modules in a hierarchical manner.   

Digital systems can be very economical and easy to design. Complex circuits and ICs, even those with billions of components, can be mass produced at remarkably low cost. Digital systems can also often be adapted to new tasks via updated software. One drawback to digital systems is that the physical world is largely analog. To read data from the physical world, or to communicate with it, digital systems must use analog to digital converters.   

Use and Application

Digital systems are pervasive in the modern world. Their uses include:

  • Desktop and laptop computers, smartphones and tablets
  • Combustion control circuits in car engines
  • Equipment control and monitoring in factories 
  • Internet-of-things devices
  • Healthcare devices such as cardiac pacemakers.
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